“Bell” – March Poem Challenge

Today's prompt was 'Bell' and the poem itself took inspiration from legends of drowned lands and Otherworlds, Celtic myth and the card, 6 of Swords. There is always somewhere a deep summoning within me, calling me to a home I have forgotten or don't yet know. This poem grows from this unspoken sense of journeying… Continue reading “Bell” – March Poem Challenge

March Writing Challenge Poems :”Wrap”

The solace of blankets. This week has been overwhelming in many ways, and a certain way to tell this is by what and how I create and write. Blocks are insurmountable. I deem what I do below par at best, horrible at worst. Its harder to get started or to motivate myself. But this is… Continue reading March Writing Challenge Poems :”Wrap”

March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Rock’

The eternal rocks beneath, as we might picture upon reading the famous speech in 'Wuthering Heights'. Rock Your crystal veined certaintyWeighed down with dark-Still always rising to meet my next step, With a sure hand and warm heart. Your face is changing, carved by elements in fluxOr the erring human hand, Or the chthonic movements… Continue reading March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Rock’

March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Mistake’

Image by Merano 23, Pixabay (free use) I've been reading a lot of Norse mythology, accompanied by academic histories and books about the Viking world lately. Yes, I am a lot of fun at parties and social occasions. After reading 'Viking Britain' by Hugh Thomas, which covers in fascinating detail the period of Viking raids… Continue reading March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Mistake’

March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Change’

'The Web Weaver' - Wisdom of the Hidden Realm oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. For this prompt, 'Change', I decided it would be interesting and enjoyable to pull a card from one of my oracle decks, then see where it took me creatively. Pathworking is a mode of connecting and communing with the deeper images,… Continue reading March Writing Challenge Poems : ‘Change’

March Writing Challenge Poems : Strong

A quiet strength standing robust against the tides and storms. When they say, you're so strong Do they see someone running Head first into darkness, up a mountain, in a swirl of snow? Or taking steps across a desert, determined that water will swell from the hidden crystal heart? Is it more prosaic - a… Continue reading March Writing Challenge Poems : Strong


The March Writing Challenge prompts This is the first poem I've written for the March Writing Challenge (see above for prompts). My first endeavour at Internet challenges began with the Blurt Foundation's Christmas one on Instagram a few years ago, and it gave me comfort and continuity at a difficult time. It also enabled a… Continue reading Cusp